Welcome to Termi Guard
TERMI GUARD, Pest Management believes in effective, responsible pest elimination less dependent upon chemical pesticides and more reliant upon techniques such as exclusion, traps and surveillance. In this direction we have been bringing more efficacious than traditional treatment and at the same time relatively more safe and eco friendly services.This blend of non-chemical tactics and localized use of pesticides is known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM). We propose to adopt a Pest Management operations entirely based on IPM principles i.e. 4D formula (Deny entry, Deny food, Deny Shelter and Destroy).
Termiguard Basically Serve in Field of Anti Termite Treatment From last 15 years, is an ISO 9001:2000 Certified Comapny, we have our Branches in Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Fridabad, Gurugram & Gaziabad, Our Clients are Everest Industries, Thyrocare Technologies Usha Mention,etc. We know how critical pest control is to you and your organization: Pest spread disease, exposing customers and staff to infection. But traditional prevention measures can damage sanitary environments, violate safety regulations; even endanger the recovery .And you are so busy you really don't have the time to worry about whether your pest control company can satisfy all these demands. So don't worry.
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